
2023年5月13日(土)14:00~16:00 英語通訳付
Zoom オープン 13:30




* * *  プログラム  * * *

  • 開会のあいさつ  山野内倫昭 司教 (J-CaRM委員長)
  • 講演:      JFCが抱える困難と人身取引/ 伊藤里枝子さん(NPO法人JFCネットワーク事務局長)
  • 講演および動画: カトリック内外のネットワークによる「岐阜事件」への取り組み/ ビスカルド篤子さん(カトリック大阪教区社会活動センター・シナピス)
  • 質疑応答・意見交換
  • 閉会のあいさつと祈り: シスター弘田しずえ(タリタクム日本運営委員長)

お申し込みの方に後日、Zoom リンクのURLをお送りします。


TEL: 03-5632-4441 E-mail: jcarm@cbcj.catholic.jp https://www.jcarm.com


Trafficking of Japanese-Filipino Children (JFC) and their Mothers

May 13,2023(Sat)14:00~16:00 Japanese/English Interpretation available
Online(Application required/ No charge )
Zoom open at 13:30

Happy Easter!
Talitha Kum Japan will hold Online-Seminar in spring with the title “Trafficking of Japanese-Filipino Children (FFC) and their Mothers.”
Many of Japanese-Filipino Children (JFC) are born from Filipino women who came to Japan as entertainers since the late 1980s. Most of these children live in the Philippines, but in 2009, the amended Nationality Law came into effect, which allows children with Japanese parent to acquire Japanese citizenship and can come to Japan as “Japanese”, as long as their fathers acknowledge them as children. However, many of them do not have money to spend, a place to live or work in Japan, so they have to rely on intermediaries or brokers to come to Japan, thus creating an exploitative structure of human trafficking.

In this seminar, we would like to learn once again about the realities and challenges that Japanese-Filipino Children and their mothers face and based on our past experience of support, we would like to think together how the Catholic Church could be involved in the future.

Chairperson of Talitha Kum Japan
Sr. Filo Shizue Hirota

* * *  PROGRAM  * * *

  • Opening Address and Prayer:  Bp. Michiaki Yamanouchi (Chairperson of J-CaRM)
  • Lecture:      JFC’s Hardship and Trafficking in Persons/ Ms. Rieko Ito(Director-General of the Citizen’s Network for Japanese-Filipino Children)
  • Lecture(including Video): Activities within and out of the Catholic Church ofr the “Gifu Incident”/ Ms. Atsuko Viscard(SINAPIS: Social Activity Department of Central Christian Church in Osaka)
  • Q&A and Exchange of Opinions
  • Closing Remark and Prayer: Sr. Filo Shizue Hirota(Chairperson of Talitha Kum Japan)

For application:, please use this link or scan QR code at left.
Zoom link will be sent via e-mail.

Contact Information:

J-CaRM Talitha Kum Japan Secretariat
TEL: 03-5632-4441 E-mail: jcarm@cbcj.catholic.jp https://www.jcarm.com

You can downloard fryer in English from here