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〜 神戸からブエノスアイレス港へ渡るときに出会った教会 〜


私がアルゼンチンのサレジオ会志願院(小神学校)に入った時、耳にした歌があります。それはイタリアのサンレモ・フェスティバルでとても人気になった「ノアの箱舟」(セルジオ・エンドリーゴ作詞、イヴァ・サニッキ作曲)でした。歌詞には「わたしの船は出港するがどこに着くかそれは知らない、ノアの箱舟のようだ」とありました。先輩たちの歌うのを聞き、私も歌いたくなりました。音楽の先生であった司祭は全員に暗記させ、一年間ずっと歌いました。スペイン語でしたが全員で歌う繰り返しのところだけ元のイタリア語で覚えました。「Partirà, la nave partirà / dove arriverà, questo non si sa. / Sarà come l’Arca di Noè…」。多くの仲間たちの祖父母はヨーロッパから移住した家族でしたので、この歌は聖歌のように私たちを一致させてくれました。志願院では毎日サッカーの練習時間に、14~18歳の60人以上の男子が大きな声で歌いました。この歌は私に、日本からアルゼンチンへの移住の旅を思い出させてくれました。8歳半の私と4人の弟と30代だった両親にも、この海の旅はまるで「ノアの箱舟」のようで、どのようなところに到着するのか想像もできませんでした。




担当司教 山野内倫昭

(注)『神のみちびき アブラハムとサラ』 カルロス・メステルス著 女子パウロ会(1988年)



Message for the Day of Seafarers 2019

The Vatican Dicastory for Promoting Integral Human Development designates the second Sunday of July (July 14 this year) as “Sea Sunday” and calls on pastors and the faithful around the world to pray for seafarers. The Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move joins this call, asking the Catholics of Japan to unite in prayer for seafarers and their families.

Like nearly two months on Noah’s Ark

The Church I met when I went from Kobe to the port of Buenos Aires


Where are we going? How will it be?

There is a song I heard when I entered the Salesian minor seminary in Argentina. It was “El Arca de Noé” (Noah’s Ark) with lyrics by Sergio Endrigo and music by Iva Zanicchi which became very popular at the Sanremo Festival in Italy. The lyrics say, “My ship leaves port but I don’t know where it is going, like Noah’s ark.” I listened to the upper classmen singing it and I wanted to sing it too. The priest who was our music teacher had everyone memorize it and we sang it all year. It was in Spanish, but we learned the original Italian refrain, Partirà, la nave partirà / dove arriverà, questo non si sa. / Sarà come l’Arca di Noè… (It will leave, the ship will leave / where it will arrive, is unknown. / It will be like Noah’s Ark …). As the grandparents of many of the fellows had moved to Argentina from Europe, this song united us like a hymn. Each day during soccer practice, more than 60 boys aged 14-18 belted out the song. In my case, the song reminded me of my trip from Japan to Argentina, when I was eight-and-a-half. For my four younger brothers, my 30-something parents and me, our sea journey was like being on Noah’s Ark, heading to a destination we could not even imagine.

Searching out churches at ports along the way

Fifteen years after leaving Japan, when I was a seminarian, my spiritual director recommended a book by the Carmelite Carlos Mesters, Abrahan y Sara (Abraham and Sarah: Faith Experience)*. It helped me realize that my father, too, have followed the Call of God to migrate to Argentina. When singing “Noah’s Ark, “ I would recall leaving Kobe on May 31, 1964. We passed through Yokohama, Los Angeles, Panama, Venezuela, Belem, Recife, Santos, Montevideo and on July 20 reached Buenos Aires. As the years pass, I keep a memory of my father. While our ship was anchored in Panama for two days, the two of us went looking for a Catholic church. The church we found was the Basilica of Don Bosco, honoring the patron of Panama, which I later passed many times during the World Youth Day Panama 2019. From then on until we reached Argentina, whenever the Brazil Maru arrived in a port, my father and I or all seven of us would search for a church. I do not think my young parents were able to attend Mass during those two months. But thanks to my father’s broken Spanish, I was able to receive Holy Communion at some of the churches we visited. In addition, we always prayed the Hail Mary or the Rosary in front of the statue of Our Lady.

As of this year, I am the bishop responsible for ministry to seafarers (AOS) and I thank God for the opportunity to share my experience. Let us join one another in prayer for seafarers and their families working on the sea. May our Catholic parishes, especially those in port communities, always be for them places of prayerful welcome and rest.

July 14, 2019
Bishop Mario Michiaki Yamanouchi
Bishop in Charge
Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants,
Refugees and People on the Move

* Abrahan y Sara by Carlos Mesteres (Ediciones San Pablo) published in 1988.